A lot of discussion regarding the Trestle at May 8th’s Petaluma City Council Budget Review meeting. It finished on a GREAT note: Click here to see!
May 22nd – Material scientists will be evaluating the trestle wood to determine its integrity. This will help to update the design plans and also help to understand the City’s liability when they takeover the Trestle from SMART. Drop by to take a look!
We may have actually started this project! It is SO Time To Trestle!
Just want to mention that PWC connected our friend Seair Lorentz, Executive Director of Petaluma River Park with our new City of Petaluma Trestle project manager. Seair had contacts that helped the City save up to $97k on the material scientist analysis as their review determined no barge and boom was needed to complete this portion of the project. What a community! Thank you, Seair![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]